I’m using the keycloak admin Java library to create a scope in my realm, like so:
ClientScopeRepresentation openidScope = new ClientScopeRepresentation();
I’m then creating a Client that uses that scope:
ClientRepresentation clientRepresentation...
clientRepresentation.setDefaultClientScopes(List.of("openid", ...));
I can see the scope listed in the Admin Console UI under the Client Scopes section:
But when I go to the Client itself and look under the Scopes tab, it’s not there.
So two questions:
- Notice that the Assigned type is
- I want this to be Default
, but I can’t see a property to set on the ClientScopeRepresentation to make that happen, how do I do that?
- How do I assign this Client Scope to the Client?
Looking at the Network inspector when using the admin UI, when I assign a default scope I see a single request at the point of assignment that references the scope by its ID.
So I changed my code to find ClientScopeRepresentation
s by their names and set the default scopes to their IDs, but the association between the Client and the Client Scope still doesn’t happen.
Finally worked it out:
.filter(scope -> ALL_SCOPES.contains(scope.getName()))
.forEach(clientScopeRepresentation -> clientResource.addDefaultClientScope(clientScopeRepresentation.getId()));
Hello Nathan,
Could you please tell me which type is the variable “scopeResource” and “clientResource” in your sample code?
I am trying to use your code to create a scope through java but so far no success. Could you possibly post here a more complete sample of your code?
Thank you for your time and attention!
Here’s the full method:
void setClientScopes(RealmResource realm) {
ClientRepresentation clientRepresentation = getClientRepresentation(realm);
ClientResource clientResource = getClientResource(realm, clientRepresentation);
.filter(scope -> Scopes.names().contains(scope.getName()))
.forEach(clientScopeRepresentation -> {
log.info("Adding client scope: '{}' ({}) to client", clientScopeRepresentation.getName(), clientScopeRepresentation.getId());
Hope it helps! If you need anything else, let me know.
Thank you very much Nathan!
I will give it a try as soon as i can and report back.
Since i only needed to add scopes to the realm and not to a client i ended up going with the code below for now:
public static void createScope(KeycloakSession session, String scopeName) {
var realm = session.getContext().getRealm();
var scopes = realm.getClientScopesStream()
.filter(scope -> scope.getName().equals(scopeName))
if(scopes.length==0) {
LOGGER.debug("creating client scope: scope={} to realm={}", scopeName, realm.getName());
var newScope = realm.addClientScope(scopeName);
Thanks again for the help Nathan!