Custom JSON value for OIDC JWT

Hi everyone, I have a special case to add custom JSON in the JWT for the user. These claims are custom and hence this requirement. I have not been able to figure out how to add the “Client -> Mapper” and the “User -> Attributes” to solve this. What I want looks like the following -

  "a": {
    "b": [
        "x1": "foo-x",
        "x2": "bar-x"
        "y1": "foo-y",
        "y2": "bar-y"

Is there a way to just set the custom JSON for a claim? The data types in mappers do not include JSON object.

Thank you!

I guess upgrading to latest version is one case.

Do I get you right that you want to set a more complex json structure and not a simple string or array?
First you should try out to add a simple attribute to a user and use a mapper to add that attribute to the jwt using a mapper.
If that works you should be able to set any data structure as attribute and then see what you get