Display email address on "Email Verification" page

Hi Everyone,

I’m currently building a custom theme for the Keycloak login & registration flow. When users register themselves to Keycloak for the first time, they need to verify their Email and the Verification Page (login-verify-email.ftl) is displayed to them.

I would like to know if it’s possible, to display the Email-Adresse which was used in the registration process, so the user can check again if he entered the right E-Mail?

If I add {user.username}, {user.email} or ${auth.attemptedUsername} it results in a blank page with an error in the log.

I’m using Keycloak Version jboss/keycloak:11.0.3

Thx in advance

I have a similar problem where I need to access the current username from the info.ftl template. I already tried the same fields and did also
auth.showUsername() with no success. The logs says HTTP 500 Internal Server Error.

I can access auth which is the AuthenticationContextBean. JavaDoc says, it has a getAttemptedUsername() method. Calling this leads to the error above.

Looks like a bug to me.