Evaluate user permission

I would like to know what is the best practice to evaluate user permissions/policies stored in Keycloak server. I’ve read the documentation but it is still not obvious for me how this should be done.
I have backend application (example) with REST API with following endpoints

  • /clock
  • /hello-world

I know that I can use roles to authorize access for specific roles. However. I would like to prepare permissions that

  • Alice user can send GET request to /clock endpoint
  • John user can not send GET request to /clock endpoint
  • Alice user can not send GET request to /hello-world endpoint
  • John user can send GET request to /hello-world endpoint

I found that I can evaluate user permissions using endpoint {{keycloackServer}}/realms/{{realm}}/protocol/openid-connect/token
but I can do it once and need to regenerate the user token.
Initially I thought that when I have user token and client credentials I can evaluate user permissions to the endpoint until token expires but it looks like when I evaluate token then it automatically expire.
I wanted to do something similar what can be done in:

Is it good approach to check if user have access to REST endpoint or should choose different one.

Sounds like you want to implement something against these APIs.


You can do so via integrating one of the OOTB adapters in-front of your resource server.


Or by using the Java client API inside your java services.


FYI, the way we have done this is to use Spring Boot and the Java Spring Boot adapter (provided by Keycloak adapters) to secure a resource server. The Spring Boot app intercepts all requests to resource server and evaluate whether the users token has permissions. We use UMA to give the client a progressive way of obtaining permissions. We use Apache Camel HTTP to reverse proxy to the Resource Server once authorisation has succeeded. This components acts like a PEP (Policy Enforcement Point) within our solution.