Forwarding the extra query param to the external IdP

I want to forward an extra query param to the external IdP.
I have used the option Forwarded Query Parameters in the IdP configuration but it is not putting the query params in the URL.

I want to add the launch param to the authorized request.
I used by

  1. Setting launch to my URL e.g.http://localhost:8080/?launch=abc and set launch in the Forwarded Query Parameters
  2. using the URL as the http://localhost:8080 and setting launch=abc in the Forwarded Query Parameters
    both of these approaches didn’t work to forward the launch param to the authorize URL.

Hey there, did you ever figure this one out? I’m struggling with it too. At first i was so happy to find that there was an “advanced setting” for this, called “Forwarded query parameters” - an input field described like this:

“Non OpenID Connect/OAuth standard query parameters to be forwarded to external IDP from the initial application request to Authorization Endpoint. Multiple parameters can be entered, separated by comma (,).”

Bang on target, one might think. But so far I just just doesn’t have any effect. My parameters are not forwarded to the idp auth url…