Get Permission scopes in JS Policy


I have created a JS policy and associated it to a Scope based permission, but when trying to get the permission scopes using $evaluation.getPermission().getScopes(), I get unexpected behaviour. Although js detects that scopes is an array of ScopeAdapters, when trying to fetch the first scope it returns undefined.


var scopes = $evaluation.getPermission().getScopes();

print('SCOPES: ' + scopes);
print('SCOPES: ' + scopes[0]);
print('SCOPES: ' + scopes[0].getName());


SCOPES: [org.keycloak.models.cache.infinispan.authorization.ScopeAdapter@70b5a43f]
SCOPES: undefined
(error stack trace)
TypeError: Cannot read property "getName" from undefined in <eval>
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Hi, Pedro, I faced the same issue. Do you have some news about it?

We had to use this workaround:

var requestedScopes = toJsArray($evaluation.getPermission().getScopes(), function (scope) {
    return scope.getName();

function toJsArray(array, modifier) {
    var result = [];
    array.forEach(function (element) {
    return result;
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Thank you so much! It works now