Getting groups from Azure Active Directory IDP

i piggypack this thread to showcase my keycloak extension, that adds a “Claim to Group” IDP mapper (OpenID Connect only right now)
it’s a bit rough around the edges, but hey it works
the JAR is built against Keycloak 11, but you can change the version in the pom.xml and rebuild

as a side note, there is no GUI to select the group, you need to input the group ID (show in the URL when looking at a group’s details)

Hi @maartenvds Even after doing similar configuration in Keycloak I am not able to restrict access to URL only to the AD group that is being added as member in AD Application.

  1. AD application created with defined Redirect URI. Group Membership claim set to Application group. AD group added as member.
  2. Configured Azure OIDC.
  3. Created mapper as per the guidance.
    Could you please advice what could be the error.

I think your application should handle the the case where the user is not member to a group/role. In my case users without groups are handled as guests.