Hashicorp Vault with KeyCloak identity provider

Hi Everyone,

I may have the wrong end of the stick.

My goal is to use an external identity provider to manage users and control access to a Hashicorp Vault server.

Vault supports the OIDC authentication mechanism. Using an initial access token from KeyCloak, Vault has connected to KeyCloak, where a client has been configured with callback URIs set.

Then in Vault, when the user attempts to login they’re not offered a redirect link to KeyCloak. I believe that KeyCloak might be wanting to broker with an external identity provider.

I have also created a keycloak-oidc identity provider pointing to localhost but this has not helped.

What am I doing wrong?

Any guidance or advise would be gratefully received.

Thank you.

This is now resolved and the answer may be found over here.

Thank you.