How to handle errors during update password for federated users

I use keycloak custom user storage provider and users are getting from an external service.

The class implements the following interfaces:

public class CustomUserStorageProvider implements UserStorageProvider, UserLookupProvider, CredentialInputValidator, UserQueryProvider, CredentialInputUpdater {

When the user password is expired in isValid method the exception is caught and the requiredAction is added to prompt user to set a new password

UserModel userAdapter = loadedUsers.get(user.getUsername());
            if (userAdapter != null) {
                return true;

The updateCredential method sends a request to an external service to update user password

    public boolean updateCredential(RealmModel realm, UserModel user, CredentialInput input) {
        try {
            updateUserPassword(user.getUsername(), input.getChallengeResponse());
        } catch (Exception e) {
            log.error("Something went wrong", e);
        return true;

This works normally, updates the user password in an external service and authenticates the user.

I need to display the according error message coming from an external service when something went wrong during the updating password e.g it doesn’t meet the needs of the password policy(this is also defined in external service rather than in keycloak).

I researched but couldn’t find a way how to do that.

Is there any way to achieve this?

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Just needs to throw an exception.

I’m having the same problem, and I have already tried using a WebApplicationException throw or an AuthenticationFlowException . Both just turned the response into a 500 error. It only recognizes the false return that the overridden method (isValid in my case) is returning and responds with a 401, which is fine. However, I also need to display the corresponding error message coming from an external service.

I’m using keycloak

Thank you!