How to show info page after first login

I am using Keycloak as an identity provider but users are stored in an external database and I get user via REST API.

I created a new authentication flow to use instead of the browser authentication flow. In that flow there is a condition to check if there is a ‘firstlogin’ attribute with ‘true’ value then sends a reset password email to force a user to change the password.

When user tries to login entering username and some password it checks in isValid method if it is the first login for the user adds that ‘firstlogin’ attribute in usermodel.

Everything works as expected, but there is one thing that I should add to that flow.

When user enters username/password then reset password is sent to the user the keycloak shows the login page with the message ’ You will receive an email shortly with further instructions.'.
Instead of the login page it should show some other page with the text that they should update their password and with the link to resend email (like in case of verify email(login-verify-email.ftl))

Is it possible to do it in keycloak at all? How can I add that custom page and how to say keycloak to show that page?