I want to keycloakify a Register page with custom fields. ( register-user-profile.ftl )

Hi guys, in KeyCloakify v24, the register.ftl page have been updated to dynamically render attributes base on the user profile. The register-user-profile.ftl have been removed. For more info see here: https://www.keycloak.org/docs/latest/upgrading/index.html#breaking-changes-to-the-user-profile-spi.

In KeyCloakify, the register.ftl is depreciated in favor of the register-user-profile.ftl. I can get a field showing with the default KeyCloak theme but not with KeyCloakify. i need to get to the filed values entered by the user. Can you guide ?

Probably ask in the Keycloakify GitHub.

cc @garronej

thanks for your reply and apologies for any inconvenience.
have a great day.