Importing a Json file

Working from

Importing a Realm during Startup

You are also able to import realms when the server is starting by using the --import-realm option.

bin/kc.[sh|bat] start --import-realm

When you set the --import-realm option, the server is going to try to import any realm configuration file from the data/import directory. Each file in this directory should contain a single realm configuration. Only regular files using the .json extension are read from this directory, sub-directories are ignored.

My Current Dockerfile :slight_smile:

FROM Quay as builder



ENV KC_FEATURES=token-exchange

ENV KC_DB=postgres

Install custom providers

RUN curl -sL -o /opt/keycloak/providers/keycloak-metrics-spi-2.5.3.jar

RUN /opt/keycloak/bin/ build


COPY --from=builder /opt/keycloak/ /opt/keycloak/

WORKDIR /opt/keycloak

for demonstration purposes only, please make sure to use proper certificates in production instead

RUN keytool -genkeypair -storepass password -storetype PKCS12 -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -dname “CN=server” -alias server -ext “SAN:c=DNS:localhost,IP:” -keystore conf/server.keystore

change these values to point to a running postgres instance

COPY keycloak-export.json /keycloak-export.json

ENTRYPOINT [“/opt/keycloak/bin/ start --import-realm”]

The dockerfile, json file and the startup script all reside in the same folder of my computer

the error message as follows reads like I can’t use /opt/keycloak/bin/ start --import-realm or
/ start --import-realm

exec: “/opt/keycloak/bin/ start --import-realm”: stat /opt/keycloak/bin/ start --import-realm: no such file or directory: unknown.

Take a look at those two lines.

The first is copying the exported data to the wrong place, it should be:

COPY keycloak-export.json /opt/keycloak/data/import/keycloak-export.json

The second line is the entrypoint (the command that will be run when the container starts). That should be an array (or a single string, but the array is better).

ENTRYPOINT [“/opt/keycloak/bin/", "start", "--import-realm”]

Also, you should try formatting dockerfiles as code in this forum (using the Preformated Text formmating option), you’ll get a better output, like:

# ENV KC_FEATURES=token-exchange
ENV KC_DB=postgres

# Install custom providers

RUN curl -sL -o /opt/keycloak/providers/keycloak-metrics-spi-2.5.3.jar
RUN /opt/keycloak/bin/ build