Initial Access Tokens are not allowed to delete clients in the realm

I made a configuration to use the Dynamic Client Registration in the MuleSoft tool.
Currently, the clients are being created successfully and the operation for generating tokens is correct.
When trying to delete the client I get a 401 Unauthorized message.
Does anyone have any tips on what it could be?

“error”: “invalid_token”,
“error_description”: “Not authorized to update client. Maybe missing token or bad token type.”


After registering a client using “Dynamic Client Registration” you will get a “registrationAccessToken” in the Response Payload.

You have to save this token to use It in subsequent calls to Update/Delete the client instead of the “Initial Access Token”.

In case of Update you will receive a new “registrationAccessToken” in Response Payload, to use in the next call. In case of delete, there’s no response payload and you wont’t need a new token since the client is deleted.


Marlos Chida

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