Invalid_user_credentials error with Microsoft Active Directory as IdP

I have an issue where customers are using Microsoft Active Directory + Okta and receiving an invalid username/password error in Keycloak after providing the correct password.

Flow: User successfully logs into Microsoft and is redirected to Okta homepage → User clicks on app → Invalid username/password error comes from Keycloak.

Workaround: Manually unlink and re-link idp for user in Keycloak.

We’re seeing this occur when a customer has mixed casing in their email address (i.e. All affected users are using Microsoft Active Directory. The problem is I can’t reproduce it. See logs below, note the following:

  • userId=null
  • auth_method=openid-connect (the idp in keycloak is set to SAML)
  • identity_provider_identity=<USER_EMAIL>
log:2024-01-03 05:52:28,312 WARN [] (executor-thread-12481) type=IDENTITY_PROVIDER_FIRST_LOGIN_ERROR, realmId=<REALM_ID>, clientId=<CLIENT_ID>, userId=null, ipAddress=<IP_ADDRESS>, error=invalid_user_credentials, identity_provider=<IDENTITY_PROVIDER>, auth_method=openid-connect, redirect_uri=<REDIRECT_URI>, identity_provider_identity=<USER_EMAIL>, code_id=<UUID>, authSessionParentId=<UUID>, authSessionTabId=<TAB_ID> time:Jan 3, 2024 @ 00:52:28.312 stream:stdout logtag:F

Has anyone been able to solve this? I’ve found similar posts online but haven’t found a working solution.