Issue in Two factor authentication and Forgot password Rest API in keycloak version 23.0.3

Hello there,
I’m currently facing an issue with 2FA and forgot password REST APIs that are not working properly.

https://{keycloak url}/auth/admin/realms/{realm name}/users/{userid}/execute-actions-email
For 2FA -
Headers => Authorization Token
Method => PUT
Request body => [“CONFIGURE_TOTP”]

Response: Status code= 403 (forbidden)
error: “unknown_error”

https://{keycloak url}/auth/admin/realms/{realm name}/users/{userid}/execute-actions-email
For Forgot password -
Headers => Authorization Token
Method => PUT
Request body => [“UPDATE_PASSWORD”]

Response: Status code= 403 (forbidden)
error: “unknown_error”

Kindly assist me in sorting this out.