Java OIDC adapter logs out via frontend URL instead of auth-server-url


I have a JavaEE application secured with Keycloak’s official OIDC adapter. Because both the application and Keycloak run as docker containers on the same server, I have set up the hostname provider with a frontend URL for end users different from the URL configured for backend-to-Keycloak requests (see Documentation).

This works fine, except when the user logs out via HttpServletRequest.logout(). With this action, the adapter (= the backend) performs a POST request to the end_session_endpoint in the OIDC config hosted at <my_keycloak_server>/auth/realms/<my_realm>/.well-known/openid-configuration, which is the frontend URL.

Is there any way to override this?


Seems to be a duplicate of this question: Spring: adapter-core logout uses Frontend URL from backend · Discussion #10657 · keycloak/keycloak · GitHub

I’m interested in a solution as well.