Keycloak generated token should work in

I have successfully integrated keycloak with a react app. I am using @react-keycloak/web and keycloak-js npm package.
My question is, should able to decode the generated access token? simply does a Base64 decode of a token. A JWT token can be encoded and signed, case in which a pseodocode is
public_jwt_contents = (base64(header) + . + base64(payload))
jwt = public_jwt_contents + . + sign(public_jwt_contents, alg)

Or the JWT token can be encrypted with a symetric key, case in which the contents will not be visible in

Also the access_token does not needs to be a JWT, in the Oauth2 specs does not say anything like that. Can be any string, case in which is called an opaque token.

Anyway, by default as far as I know the tokens generated by keycloak are base64 encoded JWT tokens signed with a RSA private key. So if you paste one in it should be able to decode it. But what I wanted to say is that any base64 decoder should reveal the contents of the claims.

The main problem is, when I integrated the local keycloak with my react app, the received access token shows Signature Valid, but when I deployed the same keycloak with same settings to a VM, the received token showed Signature invalid in the No sure Why?