I added the google identity-provider in the keycloak and integrated with UI, handled keycloak redirections with my UI application in angular.
i’m using keycloak-angular package,
when i Login using google-sign-in option on keycloak redirected screen, also then if i did not signed-in with google in browser then it asks for the google username and password
but when if i logout from my UI application then my application is logged-out but if i tried login again with google then it directly logged-in me to the application, i.e. it used already sign-in google session in the browser
Expected Result:
SO as per our requirement, when we sign-out using the UI application, it shold also logout the google account that used for this login from browser
we’ve gone through the keycloak documentation but didn’t get proper solution yet
we tried the backchannel-logout
by setting backchannel logout URL in keycloak realm client as per syntax provided
but it didn’t worked for US it sill uses the already sign-in google account from browser
is there any proper workaround or solution to handle this logout scenario?
Thank in advance