Keycloak maximum redirect urls and web origins urls

Hello all,
I am working with keycloak version 21.1.2.
I have the use case that the test environments has about 200 test servers.
The first approach is to have one instance in the test environment for all of the test servers.
This means that for the generation of the access tokens i will need as many as the test servers for the web origins and multiplied by 2 for the redirect urls. I have tried to use wild card for the root url but the generation of the token failed for a standard flow private client.

So the questions are:

  • Am i missing another approach other than the setting of separate redirect and web origins urls?
  • If the above is the only way to go, is there any maximum number of supporting redirect and web origins urls for keycloak? The number of the urls will affect the performance?

Thank you very much in advance.