Offline token invalidates after logout

  1. I get offline token in confidential client app by sending request to /openid-connect/token using authorization_code (scope=openid offline_access). In Keycloak admin console in Offline Access tab I can see created offline token for user that I used to login. (Offline Tokens: 1)
  2. Then I logout a user by calling /openid-connect/logout sending offline token from 1. as parameter. In Keycloak admin console in Offline Access tab I can see that offline token for user that I used to login was removed. (Offline Tokens: 0)
  3. Then I try to get access token by offline token that I used to logout. I get following response: Offline user session not found.

I would expect that despite a logout, application can still use a offline token to obtain a new access token.
As it is described in Offline Access | keycloak-documentation : “The application can save this offline token in a database or on disk and can use it later even if user is logged out”.

My user has the role mapping for offline_access role. Client also has that role in its scope.

Am I doing something wrong?