Oracle Support in the future

Hello everyone

My team is thinking about switching to Keycloak. Since we use an Oracle Database for other purposes already, we would like to keep using it with Keycloak as well. This is possible, and we were able to set it up locally.

However, I recently stumbled over this blog post that says

We are not currently planning on offering any second class databases long term, and rather phase out support for [ā€¦] Oracle over time.

So do I have to assume that we cannot keep using Oracle in the foreseeable future? Since Iā€™m in a coprorate environment, switching to another DBS is not really an option.

This was an assumption, we all had for a long time.
In the past weeks, there was a new announcement, which says implicitly, that the current relational storage will be continued:

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Thanks for the quick response with the link! I guess you refer to the following statement, right?

the new Map Store still lacks support for databases other than PostgreSQL and CockroachDB

I refer to the complete blog post.
Map storage was meant to replace the relational model. Map storage will now be discontinued. Thus, the relational model will continue (with all pros and cons).

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