Password toggle visability

Hello there!

I’m looking for opportunity to enable the next feature: user on login page could click on toggle button in password input field and see typed password.

I’ve already read docs and found that this functionality is missed by default. Also I know that keycloak works with freemarker templates which not support JS script.

Any ideas how I could implement functional with password visability for users?

See the docs on Themes: Server Developer Guide

What you’re suggesting is a really simple theme, and would only involve overriding the .ftl templates that have a password field. The login theme templates are here:

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Hi @xgp !
Do you mean, I need to modify only the login.ftl to enable what I described above?

For the login page, yes. However, there are a few templates that allow the user to enter their password, so if you want the password visibility toggle in those places too, you’ll have to override those templates also.

Could I ask you something in direct messages?

It can be done like this:
Show/Hide password toggle in password field in Keycloak - Stack Overflow