The session still active after SSO Session Idle timout

Hi all,

I’m using Spring application configured for Keycloak oauth authentication.

I’m having an issue with the realm token timeout configurations. Namely, my “SSO Session idle” parameter is configured for 2 minutes.

As far as I understand, the expected behaviour would be: If the user is inactive, then after 2 (two) minutes the session should get invalidated in Keycloak, so that after refreshing of the resource page, the user should be redirected to the login page.

However, I do not observe this behaviour after 2 minutes being inactively authenticated. Namely, I can observe that the related session in keycloak client/sessions, and/or the realm sessions is still active. If a refresh my current application page I’m redirected to again to it without need to re-authenticate.

The session gets invalidated after more than 8 minutes.

Could somebody please explain to me what do I miss in my KC configuration or eventually what do I miss in my understanding in how KC user sessons work?

The session after 2,3,4 minutes:

This is my KC realm token configuration: