UMA integration with spring boot application

We are exploring Keycloak for IAM management and our use case is as follows, each service has its own set of resources which should be managed by the owner of the resource or admins. For ex: in one of the service users can onboard data sources [BQ tables, GCS buckets…] within the application and the on-boarded user becomes the owner of the resource and can share it with other users.
After exploring few examples (such as keycloak-quickstarts/app-authz-photoz at latest · keycloak/keycloak-quickstarts · GitHub) we understand that uma fits well for our requirements.
But we are finding difficulty in understanding how we can go about integrating this with our spring boot service as most of the standard ways defined seems to deprecated or will be deprecated in the near future.
Would really appreciate if anyone can point out in the right direction.
Thank you!

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