User registration to external database using User Storage SPI

I am new to Keycloak, I would like to use Keycloak to secure my Spring boot application. One of the features of my application is to allow users to Sign-up and Login. I have an external PostgreSQL database which contains a table with all the user information, first name, last name, etc. From what I understand it is possible to allow Keycloak to communicate with my database by implementing my own User Storage SPI. I would like to be able to use the register page Keycloak provides to register new users and store their details in my database. From what I understand in order to accomplish this, I need to implement UserRegistrationProvider in my custom User storage SPI, however, the addUser() method in this interface only contains username parameter, so how do I store all the other information like first name, last name, DOB, etc.
Like I said I am fairly new to Keycloak so if you could provide examples I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks in advance for your help.