"You need local access to create the initial admin user. "

I am trying to access the admin user through the interface.
Keycloak is running on a vm (oracle), when I launch kc.sh start-dev I can reach thge keycloak interface but it seem I need to declare the environment variable for the ADMIN.

I have tried to declare the env variables KEYCLOAK_ADMIN and KEYCLOAK_ADMIN_PASSWORD but I might have done it wrong.

Could someone indicate me how to access the admin interface in dev mode please ?

Thank you for your time :slight_smile:

Were these variables created before starting up Keycloak?
If yes it should have worked.

Also look into this discussion to see if this helps
Keycloak 17 impossible to create initial admin user - Configuring the server - Keycloak

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Thank you for your reply, it seems I was configuring the variables in legacy mode.