After clearing cache in browser, ASP.NET MVC application is not working


We have ASP.NET MVC application integrated with Keycloak (in Kubernetes).

Scenario 1

  1. User tries to Login into application
  2. Application redirects to keycloak and user Login into keycloak
  3. Keycloak redirects to application and login successful
  4. User logout of Keycloak explicitly and logout successful
  5. Repeat step 1 to 4 and it works fine

Scenario 2

  1. User tries to Login into application
  2. Application redirects to keycloak and user Login into keycloak
  3. Keycloak redirects to application and login successful
  4. User clear the browser cache (not logout explicitly)
  5. Repeat step 1 to 4 and it gives the below error

The error is "Invalid State: Please reattempt the request"

Could you please help resolve the scenario 2.

Thanks in advance.