Best setup versions of keycloak / postgres DB?

Hello. I’ve spun up my instance of Keycloak for further authentication and i’ve done a lot of tweaking to work behind traefik reverse proxy. However, my setup looks weird to me at least.

I have set keycloak (bitnami flavor of it - is it better to have official image set up?) version to 21 and postgres database to version of 11.

Are there any issues with this combination of keycloak / postgres versions or is it perfectly okay to run bitnami keycloak 21 with postgres 11?

Many/Most people are using a similar setup without problems. I know of at least 35 companies. If you encounter a specific problem, post the details here and we can try to help you.

Thank you. I really appreciate it. I have one issue that is more traefik / docker scoped but i have the issue as i’m deploying Keycloak so it is somewhat related. Here’s the link to the topic so maybe you could know what’s wrong with my setup?

Update: It’s been solved, no need to go there :slight_smile: