Cannot log in to newly created realm - invalid username or password


I’ve created a new realm called “company”, which is different from the default keycloak realm “master” and I’ve also created a new user in that realm, I’ve set a password and I’ve been trying to log in with that user in that realm using the following url:

But I immediately get a ‘invalid user and password’.

What are the minimum requirements to be able to log in to the newly created realm? Any documentation references are welcome, in case I’ve missed something.

I’ve also assigned the realm admin role to this user, but this hasn’t changed anything.

Is this maybe because the url works only with access token/url parameters maybe?

I’ve got it. I’ve configured the flow wrongly. There was a flow for Google bound to the Browser flow with an Identity Provider Redirector and that was the only step. And that’s why it didn’t work.

I’ve simply configured the Identity Provider Redirector in the default browser flow and I’ve referenced google as the (already configured) identity provider and it works as expected.