Disable TLS 1.0 and 1.1

Using keycloak 18 with quarkus and having trouble figuring out how to disable TLS v1.0 and v1.1. Thought perhaps setting the configuration option: https-protocols=TLSv1.3,TLSv1.2 but that doesn’t disable tls 1.0 and 1.1.

Is there a way to specifically disable https protocols?


If your using keycloak 18 with quarkus

By default, Keycloak does not enable deprecated TLS protocols. If your client supports only deprecated protocols, consider upgrading the client. To also allow TLSv1.2, use a command such as the following:

kc.sh start --https-protocols=TLSv1.3,TLSv1.2.

I’ve not set Keycloak to use TLS 1.0 or 1.1. The only change made has been enabling https and it has those deprecated TLS protocols enabled with seemingly no way to turn off. Confirmed they were enabled by running the Qualys SSlLabs check against keycloak and it showed tls 1.0 and 1.1 were enabled.

You sure that Keycloak was running those? As I posted above it will not unless specified. If so, it maybe be a bug. You can look here.