Generate password hash in Node.js equal to Keycloak one

Hi all.
I am trying to hash some passwords using Node.js crypto library, to no success, unfortunately.
This online service generates hashes exactly like Keycloak does it:

For example, if I type these values:

I get this hash: nKfV3znVeXd53ida1CAImwQvnjDA+hYZiowg9iO5qAk=
And Keycloak does the same.
But if run this code in Node.js (you can use this service to run it online: 3zuzmtaxe - NodeJS - OneCompiler)

const crypto = require('crypto');
const salt = '7m49LjXFDx1bn+yI7wQPsQ==';
const input_pwd = 'qn4b5q9OJH856ynb93';
console.log(crypto.pbkdf2Sync(input_pwd, new Buffer(salt, 'hex'), 27500, 32, 'sha256').toString('base64'));

I get this hashed result: Ke62O3SeCMApHJDWL7NHrxMUBiM/72yXIYW9Zijmgr4=
Which is wrong and when I paste it into Keycloak’s db, I cannot log in.

I am not that much into cryptography, may be someone can point me in the right direction?
What am I doing wrong?