Get list of OTP devices of User in org.keycloak.authentication.AuthenticationFlowContext

Hello everyone,

I’m implementing a custom Conditional Authentication Factory, within my logic I would like to check if the user has OTP devices registered or not.

Does anyone know the API to get list of OTP Devices of a User?

Tuan Do

Have you checked the following?

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Thank you here is my code after searching keycloak code:

OTPCredentialProvider otpCredentialProvider = (OTPCredentialProvider)context.getSession().getProvider(CredentialProvider.class, OTPCredentialProviderFactory.PROVIDER_ID);
        return otpCredentialProvider.isConfiguredFor(context.getAuthenticationSession().getRealm(), context.getUser());

You initial question is ambigiously worded.
First, you ask for “if the user has OTP devices registered or not”, then “the API to get list of OTP Devices of a User”. Also the title of your post asks for the list of OTP devices of a user.

Your resulting code solves the former, @embesozzi told you the code for the latter.
Always make sure to formulate your questions clearly.

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that’s very good point. I think during the asking I found the new APIs which I post to just tell me if User get OTP device configured or not to continue the process authentication.

Next time I will make my question more clearly and updated according to the context thank you.

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