How to add custom SPI to Keycloak 24.x version

from the documentation, you can just copy the jar file into providers directory. But this custom SPI uses standalone.xml to populate the variables value. This one is custom provider I want to add to Keycloak :
GitHub - InseeFrLab/keycloak-hashicorp-vault-ext: Keycloak extension to obtain secrets from HashiCorp Vault . But since in the new version Keyclaok doesnt have standalone.xml, I cant integrating well. It shown on the providers tab. But I cant see it on admin console ui.


It’s probably not compatible anymore, but if it miraculously has made it through all of the changes and is still compatible, you can use the new --spi format for configuring extension variables. Docs on how to set those variables are here Configuring providers - Keycloak

As xgp was mentioned, perhaps if you light a :candle:, it might miraculously help you avoid compatibility problems. Just joking :slight_smile:

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