How to build custom image and deploy it on dokcerhub or nexus repo?

Hi Guys!

I am using Keycloak 20.0.1 and using ouath2-proxy in-front of it. There are some issues that i have resolved for our use cases can anyone guide me how can i build a custom image and deploy it on our own nexus repo?

It’s very simple to build a custom image.

You just use the Keycloak 20 as your base image, as with any docker image.

use RUN /opt/keycloak/bin/ build to run the quarkus optimization and configuration pass, and set your CMD to 'start --optimized` to skip this phase when using the image.

You can set environment variables inside the image with a ENV directive (which are more easily overridable when running the image.

You can also copy any necessary files, run any necessary import (like realm import) as a RUN directive in the dockerfile.