Infinispan Cache Config Recommendation


we have found that our keycloak in cluster mode runs on errors at some point.

ISPN000136: Error executing command PutKeyValueCommand on Cache 'offlineSessions', writing keys [5bd3a9cd-8993-427e-bdf3-dcdf6ed8c27e]: org.infinispan.util.concurrent.TimeoutException: ISPN000427: Timeout after 15 seconds waiting for acks. Id=850319
Uncaught server error: org.infinispan.util.concurrent.TimeoutException: ISPN000476: Timed out waiting for responses for request 944963

and so go on.

We suspect that the configuration is maybe not optimal for the amount of users.
Is there any advice how the cache-container should be configured?

We modified <expiration lifespan="-1"/> to <expiration lifespan="3600000"/>

We suspect that the memory will continue to grow exponential with the lifespan = “-1” configuration.
Does it make sense to set the livespan to a fixed value like 1h?

What are your experiences?

Our new configuration looks like this.

 <cache-container name="keycloak">
    <!-- custom stack must be referenced by name in the stack attribute of the transport element -->
    <transport lock-timeout="60000" stack="jdbc-ping-tcp"/>
    <local-cache name="realms">
        <key media-type="application/x-java-object"/>
        <value media-type="application/x-java-object"/>
      <memory max-count="10000"/>
    <local-cache name="users">
        <key media-type="application/x-java-object"/>
        <value media-type="application/x-java-object"/>
      <memory max-count="0"/>
      <expiration lifespan="3600000"/>
    <distributed-cache name="sessions" owners="2">
      <expiration lifespan="3600000"/>
    <distributed-cache name="authenticationSessions" owners="2">
      <expiration lifespan="3600000"/>
    <distributed-cache name="offlineSessions" owners="2">
      <expiration lifespan="3600000"/>
    <distributed-cache name="clientSessions" owners="2">
      <expiration lifespan="3600000"/>
    <distributed-cache name="offlineClientSessions" owners="2">
      <expiration lifespan="3600000"/>
    <distributed-cache name="loginFailures" owners="2">
      <expiration lifespan="3600000"/>
    <local-cache name="authorization">
        <key media-type="application/x-java-object"/>
        <value media-type="application/x-java-object"/>
      <memory max-count="0"/>
      <expiration lifespan="3600000"/>
    <replicated-cache name="work">
      <expiration lifespan="3600000"/>
    <local-cache name="keys">
        <key media-type="application/x-java-object"/>
        <value media-type="application/x-java-object"/>
      <expiration max-idle="3600000"/>
      <memory max-count="1000"/>
    <distributed-cache name="actionTokens" owners="2">
        <key media-type="application/x-java-object"/>
        <value media-type="application/x-java-object"/>
      <expiration max-idle="3600000" lifespan="3600000" interval="300000"/>
      <memory max-count="-1"/>

Thx and best regards

Dear David,

Is there any news on this issue?
We are facing the same problem

Thanks in advance,
