Is it possible to customize Keycloak URLs?

Hello everyone,

I’m currently using Keycloak for authentication in my project, and I would like to know if it’s possible to customize the URLs generated by Keycloak. Specifically, I want to replace the default URL structure:

/auth/realms/realm1/protocol/openid-connect/auth and login-actions

with a more user-friendly URL like:


Is there a way to achieve this within Keycloak? If so, could you please provide guidance or point me to the right documentation? Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Thank you in advance!

It’s been suggested and tried before. AFAIK it’s never worked. The core problem is not that you can’t, for example, use a reverse proxy to rewrite “friendlier” URLs, but that Keycloak itself provides URLs in many contexts that you would also have to rewrite in request responses to make everything work in harmony.