Keycloak 23.0.4 Not authorize .js contains URLs and return 400 response

Keycloak 23.0.4 Not authorize .js conations URL with request payload

Request URL:


1. v:7.1.2
2. state:1e335e75-5d3f-45be-b036-c43872840d80
3. session_state:8d9b329c-521d-4f36-8e48-9670cf48
4. iss:https://sso-keycloak-hostname/auth/realms/abc-uat
5. code:1c0e8d94-6ab1-4133-b49b-28a84f439910.8d9b329c-521d-4f36-8e56-20253cf4886e0.d8d75e27-1ba7-414e-9e36-e75c64253437 

Is this issue related to keycloak or Load balancer or some thing missing

this happens only .js contains in url
issue persist when VPN not connected. if VPN Connected then application working fine.
We secured web application using Keycloak Tomcat Adapter.
is there any restriction to .js request URL from keycloak configuration