Keycloak log level update during runtime

Hello All,

I’m trying to update/change keycloak log level when my keycloak container is running.
I’m getting the below error, please provide your guidance on the same.

$ /opt/bitnami/keycloak/bin/ start --log-level=DEBUG
Appending additional Java properties to JAVA_OPTS: ‘’
ERROR: transport error 202: bind failed: Address already in use
ERROR: JDWP Transport dt_socket failed to initialize, TRANSPORT_INIT(510)
JDWP exit error AGENT_ERROR_TRANSPORT_INIT(197): No transports initialized [src/jdk.jdwp.agent/share/native/libjdwp/debugInit.c:744]

Hi @sathyavathy1 ,
Since the loglevel is a command line argument at startup it can’t be changed during runtime.
I would run Keycloak with more than 1 replica (e.g. with docker compose) and then do a rolling update
of the containers with new loglevels.
That way you can achieve changes without a downtime to your Keycloak Service.