Keycloak-spring-boot-starter - two URL support


I am developing a keycloak-spring-boot-starterapplication and connecting it to our keycloak server.

I have a question: is it possible to somehow configure the operation of the keycloak-spring-boot-starterso that it gives the user an external IP so that the user can log in, but the application itself communicates with the server over the internal network?

I found only one parameter for setting up the URL - this keycloak.auth-server-url. But then it turns out badly: either the user and the application itself go through the Internet (although the server of my application to the spring boot is located next to the keycloak server) or the internal IP is transmitted to the user and it does not will be able to log in from the Internet.

Can you help with advice? I would like to find two URL parameters: one for the application, the other for the user