Keycloak Update password action requires entry twice


I have a workflow where I create a user in keycloak (using active directory as user federation via ldaps) and then I perform a reset credential with the action of Update Password.
This successfully sends an e-mail to the user with a link to perform this action, upon entering a new password, and the confirm new password when I hit the submit button, I get prompted with the same screen again. Only after this time does it complete the action.

In the logs all I see is the following 2 lines which are the same (except the timestamp - which correlates to the 2 update password screens I get):
2019-12-11 08:41:00,499 INFO [] (default task-23) type=UPDATE_PASSWORD, realmId=realm_name, clientId=account, userId=f1720b92-dcfa-4b22-b0e6-0805a0668a4c, ipAddress=, auth_method=openid-connect, custom_required_action=UPDATE_PASSWORD, response_type=code, redirect_uri=https://url/keycloak/auth/realms/realm_name/account/, remember_me=false, code_id=e01cc5f3-ef24-42ed-9917-1f2e5b36276c, response_mode=query, username=john.doe
2019-12-11 08:41:04,796 INFO [] (default task-23) type=UPDATE_PASSWORD, realmId=realm_name, clientId=account, userId=f1720b92-dcfa-4b22-b0e6-0805a0668a4c, ipAddress=, auth_method=openid-connect, custom_required_action=UPDATE_PASSWORD, response_type=code, redirect_uri=https://url/keycloak/auth/realms/realm_name/account/, remember_me=false, code_id=e01cc5f3-ef24-42ed-9917-1f2e5b36276c, response_mode=query, username=john.doe

Has anyone come across this before? And/Or know of a solution?


Hey Did you find any solution I am also facing the same issue.

Even when I execute VERIFY_EMAIL instead of UPDATE_PASSWORD its asking to update the password twice.

Please do let me know if there is a work around or you found a soultion.

Hi yes, sorry for the slowness, the solution was to set a ‘temporary’ password first, e.g. a random 20+ character string. Then when the user goes to update their password it only asks once.

Hi @paulkilla , I am also facing same issue and any help would be much appreciated.

Is there any way to disable this “Temporary Password” by default and enable if its required?

My user creation is working fine and user is receiving email to verify email and reset the password on the linked email. However, user still need to enter password twice (As you mentioned above, first time to set temporary password and next time to update temporary password).

However, in general user should not be asked to first set temporary password and later change the password set by himself.

I solved this by setting default value of “pwdLastSet” as -1 for ldap mapper and just enabling “update password” under authentication.