OpenID Federation - Additional WellKnown Document Provider

Hey all!

I’m trying to implement parts of the OpenID Federations Spec (OpenID Federation 1.0 - draft 32) as a Keycloak extension.

One piece of it is an exposed well-known document, which is a signed JWS at the url <issuer>/.well-known/openid-federation .

Example: .

The problem so far is, that I can’t do this as a RealmResource due to the additional path segment the provider ID adds. Abusing the WellKnownProvider also does not work as it enforces the response to be of type application/json .

Is there another solution to achieve this? Or should we consider another approach?

@tr_ovi Do you know about this GitHub - eosc-kc/keycloak-oidc-federation: Keycloak extensions for supporting OpenID Connect Federation ?

It could contain hints on how this could be done