Question regrading Keycloak upgrade to version 14.0 from Keycloak Server Version 3.2.1.Final

My company is currently using an older version of Keycloak standalone (3.2.1), at the moment we are making plans to upgrade our installation to Keycloak 14.0. Is there any pointers that you can give me on getting the upgrade done in a streamlined manner? Specifically, there are an abundant amount of versions in between and if there is a way to jump to 14 while taking care of dependencies, oracle schemas, etc.? Also, is there is a version other than 14 that would be better for this task? Thank you for your time, I hope your day is going well. Here is all the information about the current version of keycloak we are using Server Version 3.2.1.Final Server Profile Community Server Disabled Features Docker


We are also trying the same. You have any best practices?. Please share it here if any.

I manage to do this but i will say it would have been better if we did a fresh install instead of the upgrade