Verify Email on Reset Password

When the user creates an account on a client then clicks on reset password before applying verification, the Keycloak sends a reset password link to the email. When opening the link it asks to verify the account.

How to prevent the reset password link to open the verification page. I want the users to be automatically verified if they received a reset password link on their email.

Thank you in advance.

Hey! Did you find a solution? I’d like to solve the same issue :-).


TBH, I don’t remember precisely. But I believe I had to use Keycloak custom providers by reimplementing Authenticator and AuthenticatorFactory. If you don’t know what custom providers are, it allows you to reimplement some logic by yourself and provide it to Keycloak to use instead of its main logic.

Thank you! I was hoping to be able to avoid that, too bad :slight_smile:. Guess it’ll stay the way it currently is until the need to fix it raises…
