What does "Email Verified" exactly means?

I am creating users in keycloak via rest api or sometimes using the admin console. Never shall an email send to the users to verify their account. After creating the account, it should work immediately.

Do I need to set the “Email Verified” switch to ‘ON’ or ‘OFF’ now?

My research results on this are contradictory, like here:

‘ON’ means the email address is verified and no verification mail will be sent or does it mean the email address needs to be verified and an verification mail will be sent?

Thanks a lot,


Actually, there are 2 configs mentioned on post above:

Verify email which means Require users to verify their email address after initial login or after address changes are submitted.. Enabling this config will validate if user verified his email after a successful login. If not, he can ask to keycloak to re-send the email.

This config is set under realm level on Login tab of realm settings page.

Email Verified which means Has the user's email been verified?

This config is set under user level on Details tab of user page. Manually setting this config means the same as the user received email and confirmed through email link. If you want your users confirm their accounts for themselves, do not set this property on user creation.

Last but no least, in order to whole flow works, you need to configure keycloak smtp settings on Email tab of realm settings page.

Have smtp settings properly set?

I hope it helps

Yeah, that helps. Thank you very much.

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