X509 User Registration


I have successfully setup my Keycloak to validate and login users using x509 client certificates.

Now something I would like to do automatically create a user account if one does not exist from the contents of their x509 certificate. Is that possible?


I would like to do the same thing. We need to be able to create a user if one does not exist from the contents of their x509 certificate. I haven’t found a built in way to do this yet. I’m going down the path of creating a custom registration form action. Is this the right path to accomplish this?



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Also need this capability to have x509 certificate card users to register using their CN

I also need the possibility to create the user if it does not exist yet, based on the identifier in the certificate.
Would be nice to have a built-in solution.

Need this as well! Even if there isn’t a out-of-the box option, how would you go about making this happen with a custom solution?

We also need this feature out of the box.