Azure App Service

We currently have an azure vm based keycloak deployment. I would like to a docker based image.

I want to deploy to an azure app service using the jboss/keycloak image.

I have successfully deployed the image to an app service, but on accessing the url i get a message telling me to login locally to configure a local admin user.

Next i try to SSH via azure app service SSH but am unable to do so. I have attempted to enable ssh on the image

FROM jboss/keycloak:latest
USER root
RUN microdnf install openssh-server 

but im getting permissions errors on the container. After much googling i have not been able to fine anyone else attempting to use an app service. Has anyone successfully run a keycloak deployment as and azure app service?


Azure appservice SSH only works if you use standard azure appservice docker images or if you configure your docker to have ssh server installed and a specific username and password set.

here are the details,


I was struggling with the same issue. If you don’t need ssh for anything else, you can just add a admin user and password by providing environment variables:

In your App Service: Settings → Configuration → Application Settings

Add a new Application Setting for

KEYCLOAK_USER with your username as value


KEYCLOAK_PASSWORD with your password as value.

After that you have to restart the App Service. Now you should be able to login to the Admin Console of Keycloak.
