Startup in Azure Docker

Following the instructions defined in Docker - Keycloak I can successfully start working in my local machine Docker Desktop

Trying to replicate the same in a Azure WebApp I perform the following steps:

  1. Set the image & the startup commend in the deployment center
  2. Create the Environtment Variables:

Do I have to set any other configuration? How can I confiigure the port setting (-p 8080:8080) ?

You may have an issue in the start-up file or command option, in my case I had to add the path first : /opt/keycloak/bin/, start-dev (the coma in-between is important and makes sure that both command are used).

For the configuration you may have to add some more environment variables. For example in my case, I had to add Proxy configuration and cache information :

It’s a bit different for me cause, I use a ContainerApp instead of a WebApp so you may have some configuration already taking care of.