Community strength vs professional services

Good morning Keycloak community! Our organisation is thinking about moving to Keycloak as an open-source SSO solution for CIAM, but there’s understandably some apprehension about going for this over a paid-for-supported service – especially given that we have all kinds of app-related issues that we’ll have to overcome to get it successfully implemented (it’s likely to be a long and complex process!).

To help allay our manager’s fears, I’d be interested to hear your experiences of how this community has helped you to solve various Keycloak questions / problems. Have you almost always found the answers that you needed online? Have you ever had to revert to professional services to help? If so, do you have any experiences of UK based consultancies?

Any and all experiences welcomed. I know that it’s a very vague question and everyone’s Keycloak experiences will be different, I’m just trying to judge the level of support out there. Thanks!

This, and the official Keycloak GitHub Discussions are a decent place to get specific questions answered. People that provide thorough descriptions of their problems, along with logs, configurations, and sample repositories, often get very good help here. Others that want quick solutions to poorly defined problems don’t do quite as well. :wink: In any case, both the maintainers as well as the enthusiasts here answer questions when we can, which is nothing like paid support.

If you are going through an implementation for the first time, and porting from an existing or home-grown IAM system, it is a good idea to have a consultant available for difficult problems or customizations. I don’t know any UK-based consultancies, but there are some in France and Germany that are English speaking and very good.