Custom UserStorageProvider doesn't work after config update


i’ve started a migration of a custom UserStorageProvider from version 15.0.2 to version 21.1.1 This custom provider uses an external data source to load users. While loading (findByUsername …) the user will be imported to keycloak local storage. (refreshed if already existing) . This works as expected.

After configuration change, (for example: rename the custom user-federation) all users that are linked to this federation are disabled. Additionally it seems that the provider is not working anymore, i tried to debug but nothing happened.

Simple example project: GitHub - ricozs/keycloak-json-userfederation

Any ideas ?

It seems that the provider is deactivated after config update although it is displayed as enabled. Within keycloak database the “enabled” field of the component_config shows “t” instead of “true”. After disable/enable the provider works again (and the component_config->enabled shows “true”).
I guess this is a bug.