Facing Keycloak Redirection Issues During Intergration of SSO in Apache Superset

I am currently setting up Single Sign-On using Keycloak in Superset. My Superset instance is hosted at test.mccord.cloud and Keycloak at parking.mccord.cloud. I have created a superset_config.py file and configured a client with a valid redirect URL, as shown in the images below.

When I try to access the Superset login, the “Login with Keycloak” button appears. However, upon clicking the button, it redirects to Keycloak and shows an “invalid redirect URI” message.
Upon checking the URL - https://parking.mccord.cloud/realms/superset-parking/protocol/openid-connect/auth?response_type=code&client_id=supersettest&redirect_uri=https%3A%2F%2Ftest.mccord.cloud%2Ctest.mccord.cloud%2Foauth-authorized%2Fkeycloak&scope=openid+profile+email&state=eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJuZXh0IjpbIiJdfQ.VE_Mlq5IIH8CiH4fAAElBx_ZO5kZOORXmf9wji-UEhc&nonce=WcKj6L1oQ4uSTVyKmQhP, I noticed that the redirect_uri parameter contains the domain twice, separated by a comma: https://test.mccord.cloud,test.mccord.cloud/oauth-authorized/keycloak.
Could you assist me in resolving this issue?

Can you give a screenshot of the client conf you created from you keycloak server

Can you provide screenshot of client’s configuration in keycloak admin console?

Please share the detailed log error from keycloak server

Tip: when you frequently testing keycloak, try using incognito because the browser caches the data, so the error maybe fixed but the browser isn’t updated.
